How to Hear Better In 2020

    How to Hear Better In 2020

    The time has come to make plans and set goals that will improve your life in the coming year, and if you’re one of the many who struggled with hearing loss in 2019, you may have added “better hearing” to your list of New Year’s resolutions.  

    How to Hear Better In 2020 1

    We’ve made it easier to follow through with that goal by outlining 3 simple steps on how to hear better in 2020 below: 

    Step 1: Seek help. Your ability to hear will not improve on its own.  

    Hearing loss can be treated, usually with hearing aids. However, it cannot be cured in most cases. Waiting for your hearing loss to resolve itself is not a good solution to your problem, and every day you put off purchasing a hearing aid is another day you could have been better communicating with friends and family.  

    Taking the first step is the hardest part of any journey but seeking help for your hearing loss is actually very easy.  If you have had a hearing test (audiogram) performed already, all we need is a copy of your test to give you a free consultation over the phone (no obligation to buy!)  

    If you have not had a hearing test yet, give us a call and we can help you set up an appointment to have a hearing test performed at one of our licensed partner offices in your area. We have licensed partner offices across the United States!  

    For more information about how the process works, read our explanation: Ready to Start Hearing Clearly? 

    Step 2: Purchase a hearing aid that works for you.  

    Choosing a hearing aid that works for you can be a daunting task if you’ve never used a hearing device before. You need to take your specific hearing loss into consideration, your lifestyle, the features and design of the device, the price, etc.   

    But there’s no reason to stress! Our knowledgeable hearing specialists are available to help you get a hearing aid that works well for your situation. We will use your hearing test and the information you give us over the phone to assist you in choosing a hearing device that suits your unique hearing needs.  

    Step 3: Learn about your hearing aids.  

    Once you receive your hearing aids, it’s important to wear them regularly. With regular use, you’ll adjust more quickly to the new devices and you’ll better learn how to operate them. Unfortunately, hearing aid users sometimes don’t take the time to learn the features of their hearing devices, which means they don’t reap all the benefits the hearing aids could provide.  

    Wear your new hearing aids routinely this year and pay attention to how they work for you in different situations. In some cases, your hearing aid technology can be adjusted to help you hear better in specific sound environments, and your hearing aid may include convenient features, like streaming through your smartphone, that can make your listening experience more pleasant!  

    In addition to the steps above, you can read Tips to Improve Your Hearing for useful suggestions on how to hear better even after you begin wearing your new devices! 

    It’s easier now than it’s ever been to purchase advanced-level hearing aids at affordable prices, so if you are suffering from untreated hearing loss, don’t put better hearing off for another year.   

    Contact one of our friendly hearing specialists today at (877) 344‑7744 to get started on your hearing health journey!   

    Hearing Aid Info