Use Your Tax Refund to Hear Better

    Use Your Tax Refund to Hear Better

    Tax time is here again, and doing your taxes is a chore no one enjoys. But for many of us, there is an upside: the tax refund that is deposited in our bank accounts afterward! 

    Use Your Tax Refund to Hear Better 1

    Millions of Americans are now making hard decisions on how to spend those extra funds. Not you, though! We’re making your decision easy this year by offering you fantastic savings on new, name-brand hearing aids!  

    If you’ve been holding out for a great deal, now is the time to maximize the benefits of your tax refund!  

    Why should you use that extra money to buy your new hearing aids now? Because if you have the funds to purchase hearing aids today, there’s no good reason to wait! Your hearing problems will not resolve on their own. If you want to hear more clearly again, you will need to seek help. 

    We are here to help you!  

    Step 1: Call us!  

    Call (844) 334-9769 and one of our friendly hearing specialists will be happy to give you advice over the phone. The call is free to you and you are under no obligation to make a purchase, so don’t be afraid to pick up and dial, even if you are undecided about buying hearing aids. 

    Step 2: Have Your Hearing Tested 

    A hearing test helps to ensure that you buy the best hearing aids for your specific hearing loss. You can provide us with a copy of a hearing test that you’ve already had done, or we can set up an appointment for you to have a hearing test performed at one of our partner offices! 
    Step 3: Choose Your New Hearing Aids 

    When recommending hearing aids, we take several factors into account. The most important factors are usually: 

    • Your specific hearing loss (based on your hearing test) 
    • Your lifestyle 
    • Your budget 

    To determine what hearing aid will work best for you, we will ask questions about how you plan to wear your hearing aids. Do you spend a lot of time in areas with background noise? Do you want to use your hearing aids with other technologies, like a smartphone? Do you watch a lot of television? 

    We will delve into your needs and wants to find out which hearing aid will not only help you hear better but will also make life more convenient, and more fun, for you. 

    Step 4: Wear Your New Hearing Aids for the First Time! 

    Your hearing aids will be available at one of our partner offices. You will wear your new hearing aids for the first time at that partner office and a hearing aid expert will show you how to operate the devices, how to put them on and take them off, how to care for them, and more.  

    Step 5: Our Caring Customer Service Continues 

    Once you walk out of that partner office, you are not on your own. We include a minimum of 45 days of follow-up care and two appointments at our partner office. This ensures that as you adjust to your new hearing aids, help will be available!  

    We are also available to assist you over the phone with any questions you may have. 

    As you can see, there is truly no reason to wait for better hearing!  

    Put your tax refund to good use today and delight in better communication with your friends, spouse, and grandchildren for years to come! 

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